Iconic design

Comment about viewing messages in Mail. Be sure to uncheck the Preferences > Viewing option “Display remote images in HTML messages”. Why? Because spammers can use Mail’s grabbing of a remote image as verification that you are a “live” email address, then sell your address to other spammers. Often spam email contains an invisible image, so you don’t even realize this is happening. That’s an evil trick, isn’t it?

Mail will provide you the option of downloading images if you want to see them. Never click that button in a spam email. And never download a file from an untrusted source. Or click on a login link in an email purporting to be a message from your bank and telling you that your account has a problem.

I see the confusion. I’m talking about a 3-pane view with no horizontal split, just 2 vertical splits.

Some people love it and some hate it. I love it :slight_smile:

See an example hack for Appple Mail …


Sorry if I seem slow, but if you right click the toolbar and go to customize, there’s a “views” menu right at the top that shows the three-pane view like the one in Finder. Is that not it?

I believe you are referring to collumn view. Not the same thing. Imagine the current DT 3-pane view with the list and display ares turned on their side. Check out Letterbox and I think you’ll get it.


I wish his screen shot were larger. It looks cool. Is it a haxie; I suppose it is?

try it out, it’s cool. I think it even comes with an uninstaller if you hate it.


Forgive my trepidation – but is this just a function you use for email or is it an actual enhancement to DT Pro’s functionality?

Letterbox gives you a 3-pane view in Apple Mail and has no effect whatsoever on DT. The functionality that Letterbox offers Apple Mail is exactly what i would love to see in DT.


Gotcha. I’m an Entourage guy, which I don’t especially like, but having come from PC-land, I thought it would make the transition from Outlook more seamless. Wrong again!

Christophe, I completely agree with you. Also, I bet my licence DEVONtech would just plain SELL more if there was a UI upgrade. There’s just no reason for such a smart and modern application to look like it’s old, slow and irrelevant.

Sanderton, well said. Absolutlely spot on.

Compared to …?

Anyone got examples of current OS X apps with the kind of UI similar to what you’d like DT to have?

Btw, I like using Widescreen View layout in NetNewsWire but wouldn’t like it in Mail with the Letterbox plugin mentioned in this thread. I use different views for different content in DTP but sometimes have trouble getting views/windows to retain their settings between sessions, which I attempted to explain again last month.

I wish I was an interface designer and could just upload screenshots of actual DT UI suggestions instead of talking about it. It’s difficult to get down to the nitty gritty and compare with other apps since it sort of counteracts the idea of a new and unique UI for DT. Also, actual design suggestions by amateurs like myself, often just turns into personal tastes and fancies that others can agree or disagree with.

But it’s nice to PRETEND to be a pro UI designer : ) so here goes:
DT has two target groups right? Current users and New users. I imagine that DT makes the most money from new users, but are dependant on old/current users to write good reviews and just generally spread the word (i.e. advertise to the new users).

The smartest thing therefore would be to re-design the UI to make it look more modern. Us ‘old’ users will still have an exceptionally functional app, with a new look that we can whine about until we get used to it, and ‘new’ users will WANT to spend the time it takes to discover all the goodness that’s under the DT hood - and, unavoidably, buy that licence!

Since I am the pro now, I would firstly look at the Finder in Mac OS Leopard. Making DT part of the OS seems like a smart move. This is the way our system will look for the next few years. It is the ‘base’ of what all our computer stuff looks like. Having a very snappy app that looks like it’s a natural part of my operating system is easier to trust than the many glossy, multi-colored apps that are out there today. I don’t mean copy the Finder right off. I mean…well just…steal some stuff.

If that’s too boring though, perhaps mix some bits of Skype feelgood in there. Maybe some Newsfire simplicity and a touch of Things tidyness (Things = GTD app in the making, check it out at culturedcode.com). All the while bearing in mind that DT is quite an advanced application with quite an advanced user base (at least that is my impression from lurking in these forums) and so needs to feel professional to some extent.

It seems natural in the software business, for applications to evolve with both functionality and looks over time. The latter has not been the case with DT. In fact, it has looked the same for so long that even old/current users have written to the DT forums, asking for a UI update.

I really don’t think DT has anything to fear by creating a newer looking UI. Old/current users like myself enjoy DT for it’s excellent functions and won’t stop using it just because it has a UI that looks different from when I bought it…back in the day.

The ultimate compromize would of course be application skins. Like Firefox themes (but better-looking of course and made by me, the pro UI designer). That way there could be a ‘DT Original’ theme AND a more modern design. And we would all live happily ever after.

Just came across what appears to me to be a new DEVONthink icon … about 1/4 of the way down the page on the left-hand side.


Could this be the new icon? I like it :slight_smile:


Sanderton, thanks for actually giving some concrete suggestions. It always gets tiresome when users complain about UI and don’t give any suggestions. DT’s UI doesn’t bother me, though i’d be happy for a change.

An example of an app that is roundabout similar to DT and with a nice UI is Papers.

Also, if there are some UI specialists in the crowd and you actually have some solid ideas, show your photoshop skills! (I did this for Bookends a while back and it yielded very positive results) Post the pics in the forum here and we can check them out too. I’m sure the developers would appreciate stuff like that.

Sure! We are also just scribbling some ideas, and we’re just actively looking for UI designers.


Instead of a shell with “OFFICE” printed on it, I’d like the icon for DTPO to look more like my avatar, something with tentacles. My Photoshop skills are limited, so that is just the first image I grabbed from Google.

Seriously, I would really like a three pane view as in Papers or Yep. I also think that a toolbar across the bottom as well as the top, like Yep and Bento could make it easier to access commands. As for a look, I’ve been playing with Bento and it is very pretty. It doesn’t do anything I want (won’t search linked files, only one open window at a time, highlighted text is sometimes unreadable), but it looks all delicious and yummy.

As Bill pointed out in this thread http://www.devon-technologies.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=5677, the problem with making the icons pretty is that you have to make them bigger, and then you can view fewer at a time. What I would propose is an option in preferences to view icons at a larger or smaller size. That way people who want big yummy icons would be happy, and those of us who wanted to view a larger list would also be happy.

Since I just more or less asked for two UIs, a request for tentacles doesn’t seem so unreasonable now does it? :wink:


Tabs, proper 3 pane display …

img.skitch.com/20080111-xdn6j28a … pm6i61.jpg

There are some nice things about the Together 3-pane view, but also some deficiencies compared to the current DT 3-pane view. So I hesitate to call the Together view entirely “proper”.

That middle pane in the Together window isn’t wide enough to display long document names without truncating them, or if adjusted to display wide names would cut too much into the text pane on the right.

Much more seriously for my working habits, there’s not enough horizontal room in the second pane for adding extra sortable columns that can provide useful information at a glance. In the second pane of the DT 3-pane view I usually have a total or 4 or 5 columns providing information, e.g. Name, Creation Date, Modification Date, Kind and perhaps Word Count. I have the option of displaying only Name, or adding other columns of my choice. When I’m working on the database generally, and especially when I’m working on a project those extra columns are really useful. So the DT 3-pane view as I use it has more information content than does the Together 3-pane view.

I like the appearance of the Together screen, but I wouldn’t like to be restricted to that view, and for most work would prefer the current 3-pane or Vertical Split view. (I usually add multiple columns of my choice in the Vertical Split view, also.)

More 3-pane goodness:

img.skitch.com/20080112-fie2exmk … kkmqh6.png

In Apple Mail, NetNewsWire (now a free product), and previously in Yojimbo I live(d) in 3-pane view.

Personally I love it, and it would make an awesome addition to the current view set.

Please, oh please, oh please :slight_smile: