i'd like to add comments to documents

is there a way to do this? even simple photo-browsers offer this functionality.

e.g.: i store an office telephone-list, then 3 months later a new one comes out. i’d like to save both and want to jot down the changes in the “comments” (important to me) to each of these files. yet i have not found “comments” in devonThink.

ok. i’ve found the hidden feature! its not very intuitive though and needs some searching… a nice little button somwhere (or a right click) would be a great help!



comment fields will be added to all views in one of the next releases (probably v1.8.x). Should make this much more obvious and useful.

I didn’t find it. So can you tell me or were you joking?

If so, waiting for

      ver. 1.9 or so…

You’re right - will be version 1.9.x as the next release will be v1.9 (gonna be a really major revision).