Importing .opml files

I have a question about the importing of an outline. Each level of the outline becomes either a folder (if the item has children) or a text file (for the lowest level of an item). Does inputing information in this format the best way to use DevonThink Pro, or would it be better to have a folder labeled with the main item and a just a few documents inside with the children data?


Whatever suits your taste and works for you.

Another approach that I often use for a project is to start with a rich text note and lay out the principal structural elements of the project, rather like a TOC (Table of Contents) interspersed with notes to remind me of important ideas. Then I create a rich text note for each major element in the TOC and hyperlink from the TOC to those new documents. Now all I have to do is fill out those empty notes and then glue everything together. :slight_smile: