Importing Powerpoint/Keynote presentations into DT Pro

Well, gee, I’d like to be able to afford to just buy a new program like Keynote, but given my status as Ph.D. wannabe, that will have to wait. :slight_smile:

However, I think you might have jumped the gun a bit, since find I can Save as PDF just fine. So I’m not sure this holds. I was able to create a very nice pdf from my Powerpoint file. I tried other options, such as Mail pdf, Save to iPhoto, etc, and it worked flawlessly. It created lovely pdfs in every instance.

But I still get the same error message when I use the Save to DT Pro script.

So I’m afraid we might be back to square one?


Hello Bill.

If I open KeyNote, and from there open file for a Powerpoint presentation. Then print to PDF (DevonThinkPro.scpt) it is imported no problem into DT, which asks me whcih group I wish to save file to. It is not just a link to the file, if highlighted, it appears in browser window and I am able to use navigation <> to move through all slides.

That is good enough for me. many thanks for the work you put in on this, it is much appreciated.

I note that Power Point 2004 does allow printing to pdf, through the print dialog. One of the options is Save to PDF. It then allows you to specify where the saved pdf file is. That file can be dragged onto the DevonThink Pro icon and it imports successfully. The script procedure, however, is another matter.

The problem with that is all you get is a link to the powerpoint presentation in DT. It does not show in DT window when clicked, and you cannot move through slides in DT. For the present I have convered all the needed PP presentations to Keynote ones, and they import into DT properly using the DT script.