Importing URLs in mail as web archives

When doing research using my Iphone, I often stumble upon web pages I want imported as web archives to Devonthink. I then send them as a mail to my self, later opening them in my browser and importing them to DT.

Is it possible to automate the process, having DT parse mail in a specific folder and importing all URLs as web archives?


The only possibility is probably AppleScript: The “create web document” command creates web archives (or images, PDF documents etc. depending on the provided URL), see for example the second script posted in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=6122

But parsing of the emails depends on the email client and the format of the emails/links.

AppleScript is beyond my knowledge. Are there any other recommended best practices to get saved url’s turned into web archives. I’m flexible about how the url’s are stored, as long as it can be done from either a desktop computer or an iPhone. I’ve tried to save bookmarks to Delicious and import them into DT using the RSS function, but that doesn’t give me web archives of the target url but a text note with my Delicious bookmark.

You could import your bookmarks using Scripts > Import >… Afterwards convert the imported bookmarks using the second script of the above thread.