Importing vs indexing

Is there any difference between the two apart from where the data resides ? Does ‘ see also ‘ feature work on indexed data same as imported data ?

Is there any difference between the two apart from where the data resides ?

Yes. Imported files are put into the internal structure of the database. Indexed files remain in the Finder from where you indexed them.

Does ‘ see also ‘ feature work on indexed data same as imported data ?



Following on from abhishek2101’s first question, what are the advantages of importing over indexing (I am new to DT, and currently do not use DEVONthink To Go, so I do not need to sync content across my devices)?

Thanks in advance.

Imported items are inside the database, making it easier to move or copy this to other computers or to back up everything. In addition, synchronizing indexed items between computers requires that the paths (e.g. external or network volumes) are available on all machines.

Ah, I see! So, if I will be primarily using just one computer, there is no advantage to importing over indexing?


No major advantage. Except that backing up a database is easier after importing (e.g. the database can be zipped or copied to backup volumes or burnt on a disc).

I am also primarily using just one computer. I used to import only until I experimented with indexing and now only use indexing. Depends upon your particular requirement but I find indexing is easier and slicker. I keep the source files in Dropbox so I can access the files from anywhere. I can rename or delete the file in Dropbox and DT updates. It is also better I find when using DTTG indexing to files in Dropbox.

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