Indexing: Am I going to regret this?

They are located on iCloud. With a wrinkle: I keep my slip-box in ~/Documents on my personal Mac. For various reasons, I don’t want to store my work Mac’s whole Documents folder. So, inside the work Mac’s ~/Documents, I have a soft link to my iCloud Documents/Slip-Box folder.

Creating a test file on the personal Mac shows up immediately in DEVONthink on the personal Mac, in iCloud, and in DEVONthink on the work Mac. It’s almost like something isn’t noticing local changes?

Which version of macOS do you use? It’s possible that iCloud does not (always) cause filesystem events which are required for the automatic update of indexed items.

And, now I’ve edited on the work Mac, and it just updated within a minute. I’m using Big Sur 11.2.3 on the personal, and Catalina 10.15.7 on the work Mac.

This is getting worse. Both Macs show the same DEVONthink and iCloud folder views. However, DEVONthink and iCloud disagree in the same way on both Macs. The latest notes, and some things I’ve updated last night show up. But items I edited in Ulysses or Obsidian (some on iOS, some on macOS) today before the latest edits, don’t:



Obsidian and Ulysses show the same updates as the iCloud folder.

There is definitely something going wrong with updating indexed files here. I ran Verify & Repair Database, Optimize Database and Update Indexed Items before taking the screenshots. Are there any other suggestions about what I should do to repair this?

Do you have items in the database’s Trash?

Not right now. I’m 90% sure I emptied that database’s trash before I made that post earlier today. I have five databases open, and only the global inbox has a trash item right now. This database consists entirely of those indexed Markdown files, a few folders with more Markdown, a small number of replicas in a database group and some smart groups.

Nothing has changed in the four hours since. I haven’t written notes, and DEVONthink hasn’t picked up the changes, despite hitting Update Indexed Items a few more times.

Thinking more about the contents of the iCloud folder, I remembered there are some files like Ulysses plists and filter files, a .git folder, two hidden folders for Obsidian and a Notes & Settings file from nvALT. I hadn’t been using nvALT, so I deleted the Notes & Settings file and emptied the trash again.

When I Updated Indexed Items, 33 files suddenly showed up with a time stamp of that minute. The files missing from the screenshots above are among them. The iCloud folder shows no changes. I’ll keep an eye on it, but I think I found the culprit.

I found the time stamp of the Notes & Settings file (2021-03-10 16:20 ET) on another system I kept from syncing (I didn’t trash the file, I used rm). All 33 of the affected files were updated after that time.

However, now a new test file I created didn’t show up. Update Indexed Files fixed that.

Interesting. Is this something you can also reproduce?

The dates of files/folders are actually important to automatically recognize the changes after filesystem events.

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Hello, I’m was reading the help documentation for import and index that you pointed out and found a small typo on page 134 in the “Update Index Items” paragraph.

“If you need to be sure everything is up-to-date use his command.”

Was this the right place to post this? If not, where should I have posted this?

Welcome @LearningRabbitHole

You could have started a new topic but this is fine. Thanks for the heads-up. Good eye!