insert creation date in the name of a file

Here you go. (Note: I’m actually going to completely rewrite it at some point but it should work).

Prefix with creation (4.31 KB)

Could you please share this script again, the current on is not working (unable to download without an error: This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. ). Thank you :grin:

That’s old (and I’d have to track it down to reupload it).

In DEVONthink 3 you can use Tools > Batch Process to do the same operation.

That’s very helpful! Thank you @BLUEFROG

Is there a way I can define/create a placeholder to include all the individual ones I inserted? I know I can customise my meta in Preferences > Data but I couldn’t see a way to build a YYYYMMDDHHMMSS holder?

No you can’t create your own placeholder, not in the context we’re discussing.
What you’re showing here is the way you’d do it.

PS: You were just trying to script removing this date string from filenames. Are you trying to put it back on the files that were processed in the script with the incorrect RegEx?

Only for those that were changed by the first RegEx and left with the last word in the filename :wink:

Since this is a one-off, you could copy the placeholders in the Batch Process sheet, just in case, and just process what you need.