Installing new version of DTPO >> Plug-ins & Add-ons

Hello all,

Silly question – but I keep on forgetting to ask it, each time I install a new update.

As soon as it has been installed, the “Install Add-Ons” dialogue window pops up, and asks me what I want to install. The “Apple Mail Rule Scripts” and “Apple Mail Plugin” are the only two selected, by default.

Assuming I have already installed the others, under the previous version(s), is it necessary, or advisable, to reinstall the rest?

In other words - are the other Add-Ons simply left as is, and will work perfectly fine with the new DTPO version, or is it better idea to reinstall all of them as well?

What do you all do?

It’s recommended to install them again so that they’re up to date.

Ah - didn’t know that. Thanks.