Installing scripts

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I’m testing DevonThinkPRO since I’m writing a research paper for school and wish to organize my findings. I’m going through the tutorial.

Q: When I first installed, I didn’t install any scripts. I’ve been watching some tutorial videos, and see menu options for say Safari.

In this video when copying data from Safari, there’s an application menu choice called “Services.” I’d like to add this in now.

source: …


Check out the free services in Services. The one you’re looking for is called HotService.


When HotService moves the Services menu to the menubar it is no longer named “Services” but is now represented by a bullet. That change was made to conserve space in the menubar.

Note: Currently, HotService doesn’t work on Intel Macs.

Perfect, thank you. I now see that it states plainly in the video “The Services are brought to the main menu by HotService” :wink:.