Instant PDF Search

FYI - there is a new version of PDF Search which makes it very easy to highlight multiple files in DT3 and choose “Open With” and then search on all of those files in PDF Search. I think the presentation of search results is easier to use in PDF Search but it may be personal preference.

Mmmmm… Interesting… However, after the next fusion drive crash this Sunday morning… it is running KDE Neon. I’m not going to use macOS in that iMac anymore (only a little partition to use my recently purchased Abbyy OCR Pro), and I’ve sold my main MBP… Only a 2012 MBP left.

If I cannot deal with Linux (a very probable thing), I will return to Windows. Very sad to abandon DT, but was the only thing that remained tied to macOS… I will still use iThings.

Sad to see you switch but good luck anyway!

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My experience with Linux had not be much happy. I don’t have any full supported Linux machine, and help from Linux users is not going well. Too mucho fundamentalism, arrogance and indirect mentions I’m stupid to not to know all ACPI Kernel parameters… About 80 hours lost trying to make the thing work.

I even purchased a Linux certified laptop that I’m returning because it does strange things like not be able to manually adjust screen bright on some restarts, reboots on recover from suspend or losing keypress… And answer from seller is I’m doing things wrong (I wonder what I could do wrong if I’m typing and the f*cking piece of crap restarts in my hands, but ok, I’m doing things wrong. Get back your device and return my money).

I’m back in my iMac with macOS and in my MacBook Pro Retina 2012 as well.

I’m BAAAAAAACK!!! :blush:

Welcome back :slight_smile:

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