Interpreting placeholders on export

Dear all. Still understanding the powerful placeholders functionality.
I’ve added a few of these to some test plain text / sheet / rtf / markdown documents (created via DT).

Question is: I was expecting that when I exported (or converted inside DT) the file to PDF the placeholders would be replaced by actual content, but they do not.

Maybe this isn’t the way it’s supposed to work?
Thank you.

The placeholders are only used by the Wiki template (see Preferences > WikiLinks), by smart rules & batch processing and by document templates (see Data > New from Template > …).

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Thanks for the reply. I’ll research into that batch processing, maybe I can do something with it. Meanwhile, may I add to the long list of requests DT3 already has, that this functionality could be added also to Export (external file) and Convert (internal/inside DT database)?

It would be similar to what Scrivener does and super-useful. Thanks!

Any examples that could be useful? Thanks.

On I was thinking of: when developing websites there’s all sort of data regarding hosting, domains, databases, FTP / email accounts, control panel accounts, etc. (usernames, passwords, urls, ports, protocols, etc).

It would be great if one had a markdown template like, for example:

#Website %websitename%
Dear %clientname%
You can access the control panel of your website by visiting %cpaneladdress% and login with the credentials %cpanelusername% / %cpanelpassword%.

Those placeholders could be stored and edited as custom metadata of the current database (Custom metadata per database) and one would just need to edit those and export the markdown to PDF (with custom stylesheet) and get a good-looking and practical user manual.

This is already possible using MultiMarkdown metadata, like so…

Exporting as an RTF file, via the File > Export menu yields…


Thank you. Really didn’t know this was possible. Really handy!

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