Is the URL in the Generic Info inspector only a DEVONthink value?

Do you update the URL in DEVONthink or update the extended attribute?

I updated the extenden attribute using zowieā€¦ in the end I delete and add the indexed files, but I want to know if the updated indexed work or not for the next time.

Why donā€™t you update the URL using DEVONthink? This updates also the extended attribute of indexed items. Currently this attribute is only used when indexing/importing items.

Because zowie do this automatically with the Zotero URI, which is what we want here. I can do it manually of course, but If I do every 3 months or so, perhaps itā€™s a bunch of new papers on zotero that I also want to index with DT.

It woud be great if you can also update that atribute when you update the index.

I also know that I can put the URI on the comment section, but I think that is a little bit suboptimal.

FWIW, I havenā€™t checked if DEVONthinkā€™s behavior has changed in this area. (Based on @cgrunenbergā€™s reply above, it sounds like it hasnā€™t.) Iā€™m still setting the URL from the Finder comments with a DEVONthink rule. Now looking at it, I see that the wiki page I previously wrote about using Zowie with DEVONthink is slightly out of date: instead of having a separate rule to set the URL field as described on that wiki page, I added it as part of the rule that runs Zowie, more or less like this:

Thank you for your kind words about Zowie.

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