Is there a smart way to identify/find large files in DTPO?

I have all my files in Mobile Sync and my file on the iOS devices start to be a bit large.

Is there a smart way to search in the entire database for files larger than i.e. 100Mb?

Searched here at the forum, tried help inside the app and the manual but I am stuck. I can sort all my Groups after size and then dig in to every Group to identify them but that takes time.

Like in Finder I can make a search criteria Larger than xxMb etc.

Why? The Mobile Sync group is no longer needed, unless you are running DEVONthink To Go 1.

Create a Smart Group like so…
Screen Shot 2016-11-14 at 12.02.30 PM.png

Then add and sort on the Size column, for example in List view.

GREAT! I forgot smart groups!!


Forgot about Mobils Sync too, just a habit to keep them there.

Nice name I suppose :wink:.

Took away Mobile Sync - much cleaner!

Thanks Bluefrog.

No problem! :smiley: