Johnny Decimal... and automatic filing?

An Applescript should be able to handle this
I use a script to assist in processing Inbox records; it moves the record out of the Inbox
Sample at Moving Inbox Notes to specific folders in my DB - #7 by DTLow
Start coding, and let us know if you run into problems

btw What happens if a record fits multiple categories?
I prefer tags over a folder structure - for example, tag 12.03Finance/Payroll/2022

In Devonthink, tags are also groups (folders)
With tag 12.03Finance/Payroll/2022, we get group/folder 12.03Finance/Payroll/2022

For context, I reflect tags in my naming standard; something like
2022-02-14 Reference [Secondary May 2022 payroll extract] 12.03Finance/Payroll/2022

Thanks for the Johnny Decimal link.
It’s quite informative and I’m revising my organization structure

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