Just tried DTTG; thumbnail view? sideways paging?

I just tried DTTG for the first time. My initial and main concern is - how can I view in thumbnail mode, like on the Mac?

Second, when I am reading a PDF, can I swipe sideways to flip pages, rather than vertically? And can I view full-screen, without the bar at the top?

Or even…how do I browse through my documents full screen, not just in that tiny side bar?

Have you looked at the built-in ? > Help or the manual?

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No, I sheepishly admit that I have not! Having said that, the functionality I am trying to find should not require one to look up the manual, surely?

For swiping pages vertically or horizontally, have a look at the settings. For viewing the contents of a group as a thumbnail grid, long-press it and choose “Open as Grid” from the context menu. Discoverability on iOS is a problem, at least when one doesn’t want to clutter the whole UI with an ever-growing number of buttons.

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