Keeping documents in Devonthink

I am using Devonthink Pro Office and have heard that I do not have to actually keep documents in the program, but can set Devonthink to generate pointers to the documents in files on my computer. How is this done and, other than additional storage requirements, is there any effect on how the program operates?



This is called “indexing”. There are two methods for getting existing documents into DEVONthink – importing and indexing. You’ll find a substantial and long history of discussion of “importing”, “indexing”, “importing versus indexing” and numerous related topics if you browse the forum using the Advanced Search feature. I especially suggest reading Bill DeVille’s and Greg Jones’ lengthy and informative threads on the topic that you’ll find through Advanced Search – Bill prefers to import, and Greg frequently indexes. There’s no right or wrong approach, and the choice has a lot to do with your own working style and needs.

Also, check out Help and/or the Manual on these topics. There are Tutorials on indexing, importing, and other topics in Help > Support Assistant. Many bloggers have written about the pros and cons of indexing and importing, as has Joe Kissell in his DEVONthink books.