Key combination can't be used b/c already used by "DEVONthink 3: Lookup"

I’m trying to assign the keyboard shortcut of “CMD-/” (Command Forward slash) in another app, MsgFiler, and when I try to do so, I get the popup message displayed below. I’ve looked everywhere in DEVONthink, and in a few other apps that perhaps have DVONthink integration, and can’t find this menu item. Anyone have any idea where this shortcut comes from?

Yes. It’s the service.
System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Services > Text.


Thank you!

You’re welcome.

Just found this, thank you!

(was going crazy because I had IntelliJ open in a separate window, and Cmd-/ is frequently used as a comment/un-comment shortcut, and I was mystified why I kept ending up in DT3 every time :smile:)