Keyboard shortcut or quick jump to a Database?

Hi. Probably missed something really simple but just can’t find any keyboard shortcut to jump to a specific databased.

Working on a project now and created a few databases. Is there a way to quickly jump to a specific database that I constantly use with keyboard shortcut? Only way that I could find is adding to favourite but then still have to use mouse to click on that database. Is there a faster shortcut?


You have some shortcuts, but AFAIK none specific to go to a specific database.

I think most useful is CTRL-CMD-G (To Group), that opens a popover and allows you type where go. Take in consideration that a database is a group at that level.


Thanks for the suggestion but just too many steps.

@BLUEFROG, found out that making an encrypted database as favorite doesn’t work with menu bar command, “Go”-“Favorites” doesn’t jump to an encrypted database though it is listed in favourite list. But clicking on that encrypted data on side bar favorite works. Bug?

It appears so.

@cgrunenberg will have to look into this.

1 Like


The next release will fix this.


Try this out, closest you might get.

copy paste to your script editor.

--V1b1 can only disable aplhabet label for database

--V1b2 can disable numeric label for views

--V1b3 can save the root and selection of database

--V1b4 try different trick in getting the most updated root of the think window 1

--V1b5 retain search view, not compatible with V1b4

--V1b6 add database list only, and less cluttered separator

--V1b7 retain diff viewer windows' DB settings (production ready)

**use** AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later

**use** *scripting additions*



1 Navigate keystroke 1 using {option down, command down}

2 Reading List keystroke 2 using {option down, command down}

3 Import keystroke 3 using {option down, command down}

4 Extras keystroke 4 using {option down, command down}


5 as Icons keystroke 1 using {command down}

6 as List keystroke 2 using {command down}

7 as Columns keystroke 3 using {command down}

8 Cover Flow keystroke 4 using {command down}


9 None keystroke 5 using {command down}

10 Standard keystroke 6 using {command down}

11 Widescreen keystroke 7 using {command down}


12 Generic keystroke 1 using {control down}

13 Custom keystroke 2 using {control down}

14 Annotations & Reminder keystroke 3 using {control down}

15 Table of Contents keystroke 4 using {control down}

16 Thumbnails keystroke 5 using {control down}

17 Properties keystroke "p" using {control down}

18 Annotations keystroke 6 using {control down}

19 Links keystroke 7 using {control down}

20 List keystroke 8 using {control down}

21 Clouds keystroke 9 using {control down}

22 See Also & Classify keystroke "s" using {control down}

23 Search keystroke "u" using {control down}


**global** theDisplayList, theIdxList, theNameList, theSeparatorList, theDBList, theFullList, theViewList

**global** hd1, hd2, hd3, hd4, hd5

**global** theDB, theDBID, theDBRoot, theDBSel

**property** labelView : *false*

**property** labelDB : *false*

**property** dbListOnly : *true*

**set** theDisplayList **to** {1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13}

**set** theSeparatorList **to** {2, 2, 3, 2}

**activate** *application* "DEVONthink 3"

**tell** *application* *id* "DNtp"


**set** {sym, len, align} **to** {"_", "25", "C"}

**set** theIdxList **to** {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24}

**set** theNameList **to** {"Navigate", "Reading List", "Email and Import", "Extras", "Icons View", "List View", "Columns View", "Cover Flow", "None", "Standard", "Wideccreen", "Generic", "MD-CustomMD", "Annotations & Reminder", "Table of Contents", "Thumbnails", "Properties", "Annotations", "Links", "List", "Clouds", "See Also & Classify", "Search", "Documents-Only"}

--If no section title but only view-section seperator is wanted

**set** hd1 **to** { **my** setWrappingLine("", sym, len, align), ""}

**set** hd2 **to** { **my** setWrappingLine("", sym, len, align), ""}

**set** hd3 **to** { **my** setWrappingLine("", sym, len, align), ""}

**set** hd4 **to** { **my** setWrappingLine("", sym, len, align), ""}

**set** hd5 **to** { **my** setWrappingLine("", sym, len, align), ""}

-- if separator titles are wanted

--set hd1 to {my setWrappingLine("Sidebar", sym, len, align), ""}

--set hd2 to {my setWrappingLine("View", sym, len, align), ""}

--set hd3 to {my setWrappingLine("Preview", sym, len, align), ""}

--set hd4 to {my setWrappingLine("InspectorBar", sym, len, align), ""}

--set hd5 to {my setWrappingLine("Database", sym, len, align), ""}

**set** theDBList **to** **my** getDBList()

**set** theViewList **to** **my** prepareList(theDisplayList, theIdxList, theNameList, theSeparatorList)

**if** dbListOnly **then**

**set** theFullList **to** theDBList


**set** theFullList **to** theViewList & theDBList

**end** **if**

**my** selectActionFrList(theFullList)


**end** **try**

**end** **tell**

**script** D

-- 5 viewer windows, 20 dbs each, item 1's item 1 is viewer window id, item 1's item 1 is eXist or Nonexist

**property** vws : {{"", "", {{"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}}}, ¬

{"", "", {{"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}}}, ¬

{"", "", {{"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}}}, ¬

{"", "", {{"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}}}, ¬

{"", "", {{"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}}}}

-- property vwdbs : {"", "", {{"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}, {"", "", {}, ""}}}

**end** **script**

**on** getDBList()

**local** dbl, db, dbs, l -- all opened databases,database, current database selection

**local** theDB, theDBID, theDBRoot, theDBQuery

**local** vwdbs -- list contains all databases in current viewer window

**local** vids, vid -- all opned view windows, the id of current view window


**tell** *application* *id* "DNtp"

**set** {vids, dbl, l} **to** {{}, {}, {}}

**set** db **to** *databases*

**repeat** **with** each **in** db **as** *list*

**set** **end** **of** dbl **to** {name **of** each, id **of** each, uuid **of** each}

**end** **repeat**

**set** dbl **to** **my** sortLOLByItemIdex(dbl, 2)

**set** vid **to** id **of** *viewer window* 1

**repeat** **with** each **in** *viewer windows*

**set** **end** **of** vids **to** id **of** each

**end** **repeat**

**repeat** **with** i **from** 1 **to** length **of** D's vws

**if** ( *item* 1 **of** *item* i **of** D's vws) **is not** **in** vids **then** **set** ( *item* 2 **of** *item* i **of** D's vws) **to** ""

**end** **repeat**

**set** {vpos, vstatus, vwdbs} **to** **my** lolLookup(vid, 1, 2, D's vws)

**if** vpos = 0 **then**

**set** {vpos, vstatus, vwdbs} **to** **my** lolLookup("", 1, 2, D's vws)

**set** *item* 1 **of** vwdbs **to** vid

**set** *item* 2 **of** vwdbs **to** "A"

**set** dbs **to** *item* 3 **of** vwdbs


**set** dbs **to** *item* 3 **of** vwdbs

**end** **if**

**repeat** **with** i **from** 1 **to** length **of** dbl

**set** *item* 1 **of** *item* i **of** dbs **to** *item* 3 **of** *item* i **of** dbl

**end** **repeat**

**set** theDB **to** *database* **of** (root **of** *think window* 1)

**set** theDBID **to** id **of** theDB

**set** theDBRoot **to** uuid **of** (root **of** *viewer window* 1)


**set** theDBQuery **to** search query **of** *viewer window* 1

**on** **error**

**set** theDBQuery **to** ""

**end** **try**

**if** selection ≠ {} **then**

**set** theDBSel **to** *item* 1 **of** (selection **as** *list* )


**set** theDBSel **to** {}

**end** **if**

**set** *item* 2 **of** *item* theDBID **of** dbs **to** theDBRoot

**set** *item* 3 **of** *item* theDBID **of** dbs **to** theDBSel


**set** *item* 4 **of** *item* theDBID **of** dbs **to** theDBQuery

**on** **error**

**set** *item* 4 **of** *item* theDBID **of** dbs **to** ""

**end** **try**

**if** labelDB **then**

**repeat** **with** i **from** 1 **to** length **of** dbl

**set** (dbl's *item* i)'s *item* 1 **to** (str's *text* i) & " " & ((dbl's *item* i)'s *item* 1 **as** *string* )

**end** **repeat**

**end** **if**

**if** dbListOnly **is** *false* **then**

**set** **beginning** **of** dbl **to** hd5

**end** **if**

**return** dbl

**end** **tell**

**end** getDBList

**on** prepareList(theDisplayList, theIdxList, theNameList, theSeparatorList)

**local** ld, lx, ln, ls, lst, l, xx, i, j

**set** {ld, lx, ln, ls} **to** {theDisplayList, theIdxList, theNameList, theSeparatorList}

**set** {l, lst} **to** {{}, {1}}

**if** labelView **then**

**repeat** **with** i **from** 1 **to** 9

**set** **end** **of** l **to** {i & " " & ( *item* (ld's *item* i) **of** ln) **as** *string* , *item* (ld's *item* i) **of** lx}

**end** **repeat**


**repeat** **with** i **from** 1 **to** 9

**set** **end** **of** l **to** {( *item* (ld's *item* i) **of** ln) **as** *string* , *item* (ld's *item* i) **of** lx}

**end** **repeat**

**end** **if**

**repeat** **with** j **from** 2 **to** 4

**set** **end** **of** lst **to** (ls's *item* (j - 1)) + (lst's *item* (j - 1)) + 1

**end** **repeat**

**set** **beginning** **of** l **to** hd1

**set** l **to** **my** insertItemInList({hd2}, l, lst's *item* 2)

**set** l **to** **my** insertItemInList({hd3}, l, lst's *item* 3)

**set** l **to** **my** insertItemInList({hd4}, l, lst's *item* 4)

**return** l

**end** prepareList

**on** selectActionFrList(theFullList)

**local** l, ln, lu, theItemChosen, theChoiceIdx, theChoice, theDestDB

**local** vid

**tell** *application* *id* "DNtp"

**set** l **to** theFullList

**set** {ln, lu} **to** **my** split2itemList(l)

**set** theItemChosen **to** **choose from list** ln with prompt "Switch To"

**set** theChoiceIdx **to** **my** indexOfOneItem(theItemChosen, ln)

**set** theChoice **to** *item* theChoiceIdx **of** lu

**set** vid **to** id **of** *viewer window* 1

**set** {vpos, vstatus, vwdbs} **to** **my** lolLookup(vid, 1, 2, D's vws)

**set** dbs **to** *item* 3 **of** vwdbs

**if** dbListOnly **is** *false* **then**

**if** labelView **then**

**if** ( *character* 1 **of** (theItemChosen **as** *string* )) **is** **in** "123456789" **then**

**my** SendShortCut(theChoice)


**set** theDestDB **to** *database* *id* theChoice

**if** *item* 2 **of** ( *item* theChoice **of** dbs) **is** "" **then**

**set** db **to** ( **get record with uuid** *item* 1 **of** ( *item* theChoice **of** dbs))

**set** **the** root **of** *think window* 1 **to** db

**activate** *think window* 1


**set** root **of** *think window* 1 **to** **get record with uuid** ( *item* 2 **of** ( *item* theChoice **of** dbs))

**set** selection **of** *think window* 1 **to** {( *item* 3 **of** ( *item* theChoice **of** dbs))}

**if** ( *item* 4 **of** ( *item* theChoice **of** dbs)) **is** **not** "" **then** **set** search query **of** *viewer window* 1 **to** ( *item* 4 **of** ( *item* theChoice **of** dbs))

**activate** *think window* 1

**end** **if**

**end** **if**


**if** theChoiceIdx ≤ 13 **then**

**my** SendShortCut(theChoice)

**else** **if** theChoiceIdx ≥ 15 **then**

**set** theDestDB **to** *database* *id* theChoice

**if** *item* 2 **of** ( *item* theChoice **of** dbs) **is** "" **then**

**set** db **to** ( **get record with uuid** *item* 1 **of** ( *item* theChoice **of** dbs))

**set** **the** root **of** *think window* 1 **to** db

**activate** *think window* 1


**set** root **of** *think window* 1 **to** **get record with uuid** ( *item* 2 **of** ( *item* theChoice **of** dbs))

**set** selection **of** *think window* 1 **to** {( *item* 3 **of** ( *item* theChoice **of** dbs))}

**if** ( *item* 4 **of** ( *item* theChoice **of** dbs)) **is** **not** "" **then** **set** search query **of** *viewer window* 1 **to** ( *item* 4 **of** ( *item* theChoice **of** dbs))

**activate** *think window* 1

**end** **if**

**end** **if**

**end** **if**


**set** theDestDB **to** *database* *id* theChoice

**if** *item* 2 **of** ( *item* theChoice **of** dbs) **is** "" **then**

**set** db **to** ( **get record with uuid** *item* 1 **of** ( *item* theChoice **of** dbs))

**set** **the** root **of** *think window* 1 **to** db

**activate** *think window* 1


**set** root **of** *think window* 1 **to** **get record with uuid** ( *item* 2 **of** ( *item* theChoice **of** dbs))

**set** selection **of** *think window* 1 **to** {( *item* 3 **of** ( *item* theChoice **of** dbs))}

**if** ( *item* 4 **of** ( *item* theChoice **of** dbs)) **is** **not** "" **then** **set** search query **of** *viewer window* 1 **to** ( *item* 4 **of** ( *item* theChoice **of** dbs))

**activate** *think window* 1

**end** **if**

**end** **if**

**end** **tell**

**end** selectActionFrList

**on** sortLOLByItemIdex(theList, i)

**tell** *application* *id* "DNtp"

**set** theIndexList **to** {}

**set** theSortedList **to** {}

**repeat** (length **of** theList) **times**

**set** theLowItem **to** ""

**repeat** **with** a **from** 1 **to** (length **of** theList)

**if** a **is not** **in** theIndexList **then**

**set** theCurrentItem **to** *item* a **of** theList

**if** theLowItem **is** "" **then**

**set** theLowItem **to** theCurrentItem

**set** theLowItemIndex **to** a

**else** **if** ( *item* i **of** theCurrentItem) **comes before** ( *item* i **of** theLowItem) **then**

**set** theLowItem **to** theCurrentItem

**set** theLowItemIndex **to** a

**end** **if**

**end** **if**

**end** **repeat**

**set** **end** **of** theSortedList **to** theLowItem

**set** **end** **of** theIndexList **to** theLowItemIndex

**end** **repeat**

**return** theSortedList

**end** **tell**

**end** sortLOLByItemIdex

**on** splitList(theList, firstNItemToKeep)

**set** list1 **to** {}

**set** list2 **to** {}

-- set a to ((length of theList's item 1) - firstNItemToKeep) as integer

**set** a **to** firstNItemToKeep

**repeat** **with** i **from** 1 **to** length **of** theList

**set** **end** **of** list1 **to** *items* 1 **thru** a **of** ( *item* i **of** theList)

**set** **end** **of** list2 **to** *items* (a + 1) **thru** -1 **of** ( *item* i **of** theList)

**end** **repeat**

**return** {list1, list2}

**end** splitList

**on** SendShortCut(idx)

**tell** *application* "System Events"

**if** idx **is** 1 **then**

**delay** 0.05

**keystroke** 1 using { *option down* , *command down* }

**else** **if** idx **is** 2 **then**

**delay** 0.05

**keystroke** 2 using { *option down* , *command down* }

**else** **if** idx **is** 3 **then**

**delay** 0.05

**keystroke** 3 using { *option down* , *command down* }

**else** **if** idx **is** 4 **then**

**delay** 0.05

**keystroke** 4 using { *option down* , *command down* }

**else** **if** idx **is** 5 **then**

**delay** 0.05

**keystroke** 1 using { *command down* }

**else** **if** idx **is** 6 **then**

**delay** 0.05

**keystroke** 2 using { *command down* }

**else** **if** idx **is** 7 **then**

**delay** 0.05

**keystroke** 3 using { *command down* }

**else** **if** idx **is** 8 **then**

**delay** 0.05

**keystroke** 4 using { *command down* }

**else** **if** idx **is** 9 **then**

**delay** 0.05

**keystroke** 5 using { *command down* }

**else** **if** idx **is** 10 **then**

**delay** 0.05

**keystroke** 6 using { *command down* }

**else** **if** idx **is** 11 **then**

**delay** 0.05

**keystroke** 7 using { *command down* }

**else** **if** idx **is** 12 **then**

**delay** 0.05

**keystroke** 1 using { *control down* }

**else** **if** idx **is** 13 **then**

**delay** 0.05

**keystroke** 2 using { *control down* }

**else** **if** idx **is** 14 **then**

**delay** 0.05

**keystroke** 3 using { *control down* }

**else** **if** idx **is** 15 **then**

**delay** 0.05

**keystroke** 4 using { *control down* }

**else** **if** idx **is** 16 **then**

**delay** 0.05

**keystroke** 5 using { *control down* }

**else** **if** idx **is** 17 **then**

**delay** 0.05

**keystroke** "p" using { *control down* }

**else** **if** idx **is** 18 **then**

**delay** 0.05

**keystroke** 6 using { *control down* }

**else** **if** idx **is** 19 **then**

**delay** 0.05

**keystroke** 7 using { *control down* }

**else** **if** idx **is** 20 **then**

**delay** 0.05

**keystroke** 8 using { *control down* }

**else** **if** idx **is** 21 **then**

**delay** 0.05

**keystroke** 9 using { *control down* }

**else** **if** idx **is** 22 **then**

**delay** 0.05

**keystroke** "s" using { *control down* }

**else** **if** idx **is** 23 **then**

**delay** 0.05

**keystroke** "u" using { *control down* }

**else** **if** idx **is** 24 **then**

**delay** 0.05

**keystroke** "d" using { *control down* , *option down* , *command down* }

**end** **if**

**end** **tell**

**end** SendShortCut

**on** setWrappingLine(str, sym, len, align)

**set** a **to** **count** str

**set** ul **to** "" **as** *string*

**set** ur **to** "" **as** *string*

**if** len < a **then**

**repeat** 3 **times**

**set** ul **to** ul & sym

**end** **repeat**

**set** w **to** ul & str & ul


**if** align **is** "C" **then**

**set** c **to** (len - a) / 2 - ((len - a) / 2 **mod** 1)

**repeat** c **times**

**set** ul **to** ul & sym

**end** **repeat**

**set** w **to** ul & str & ul

**else** **if** align **is** "L" **then**

**set** c **to** len - a - 3

**repeat** 3 **times**

**set** ul **to** ul & sym

**end** **repeat**

**repeat** c **times**

**set** ur **to** ur & sym

**end** **repeat**

**set** w **to** ul & str & ur

**end** **if**

**end** **if**

**return** w

**end** setWrappingLine

**on** insertItemInList(theItem, theList, thePosition)

-- cannot insert lol into beginning or last of a list


**set** theListCount **to** length **of** theList

**if** thePosition **is** 0 **then**

**return** *false*

**else** **if** thePosition **is** **less than** 0 **then**

**if** (thePosition * -1) **is** **greater than** theListCount + 1 **then** **return** *false*


**if** thePosition **is** **greater than** theListCount + 1 **then** **return** *false*

**end** **if**

**if** thePosition **is** **less than** 0 **then**

**if** (thePosition * -1) **is** theListCount + 1 **then**

**set** **beginning** **of** theList **to** theItem


**set** theList **to** reverse **of** theList

**set** thePosition **to** (thePosition * -1)

**if** thePosition **is** 1 **then**

**set** **beginning** **of** theList **to** theItem

**else** **if** thePosition **is** (theListCount + 1) **then**

**set** **end** **of** theList **to** theItem


**set** theList **to** ( *items* 1 **thru** (thePosition - 1) **of** theList) & theItem & ( *items* thePosition **thru** -1 **of** theList)

**end** **if**

**set** theList **to** reverse **of** theList

**end** **if**


**if** thePosition **is** 1 **then**

**set** **beginning** **of** theList **to** theItem

**else** **if** thePosition **is** (theListCount + 1) **then**

**set** **end** **of** theList **to** theItem


**set** theList **to** ( *items* 1 **thru** (thePosition - 1) **of** theList) & theItem & ( *items* thePosition **thru** -1 **of** theList)

**end** **if**

**end** **if**

**return** theList

**end** insertItemInList

**on** split2itemList(theList)

**set** list1 **to** {}

**set** list2 **to** {}

**repeat** **with** i **from** 1 **to** length **of** theList

**set** **end** **of** list1 **to** *item* 1 **of** ( *item* i **of** theList)

**set** **end** **of** list2 **to** *item* 2 **of** ( *item* i **of** theList)

**end** **repeat**

**return** {list1, list2}

**end** split2itemList

**on** indexOfOneItem(theItem, theList)

-- credits Emmanuel Levy

**set** {oTIDs, AppleScript's text item delimiters} **to** {AppleScript's text item delimiters, return}

**set** theList **to** return & theList & return

**set** AppleScript's text item delimiters **to** oTIDs


-1 + ( **count** ( *paragraphs* **of** ( *text* 1 **thru** ( **offset** of (return & theItem & return) in theList) **of** theList)))

**on** **error**


**end** **try**

**end** indexOfOneItem

**on** lolLookup(lookupVal, lookUpPos, getValPos, theList)

--only for list of list with more than 1 items

**local** i, j, k

**set** j **to** lookUpPos

**set** k **to** getValPos

**repeat** **with** i **from** 1 **to** length **of** theList

**if** ( *item* j **of** *item* i **of** theList) **is** **equal to** lookupVal **then** **return** {i, *item* k **of** *item* i **of** theList, *item* i **of** theList}

**end** **repeat**

**return** {0, {}, {}}

**end** lolLookup

**on** firstN(n, s)

**return** *text* **from** *character* 1 **to** *character* n **of** s

**end** firstN```

@hens would you please post the script in a proper form?

I’d like to test it but even after several rounds in TextSoap I can’t compile it.

Is there a way to quickly jump to a specific database that I constantly use with keyboard shortcut?

@pete31, @Hens ?? :thinking:

Bearing in mind the upcoming fix still affects this, you could merely set up a custom hotkey, like so…

Yeah, my post was nonsense. Note to myself: should read carefully

No worries. I was wondering why it was getting so complicated :blush:

Favorites shortcut doesn’t work for now till bug is fixed and been using workspace shortcuts but that messes with whatever current layout is being used. Prefer keyboard shortcut to favorites but workspaces work for now. Slowly learning scripting too :sweat_smile:

Favorites shortcut doesn’t work for now till bug is fixed

Unless all your databases are encrypted (which would seem strange to me), it should work with Jon-encrypted ones.

Yes a couple of DB are encrypted due to sensitivity of customer projects + proposals. That’s why created this thread initially having to jump around a number of DB with mixture of regular + encrypted DB. Look forward to release of next version.

@iApple this means you have no good solution to your problem, or am I missing something?

You could use this script to access encrypted databases via shortcut.

  • use a copy of the script for each encrypted database
  • set the database name in property theDatabaseName
  • assign a shortcut to each saved script

This way you can access any database via shortcut :slight_smile:

If you need help, e.g. how to assign a shortcut to a script, let me know.

-- "Jump" to specific encrypted database (via second window)
-- This script is only a workaround for a bug that won't switch to an encrypted favorite database if accessed via shortcut

property theDatabaseName : "_temp" -- set name of encrypted database

tell application id "DNtp"
			set theIndex to index of first viewer window whose name begins with theDatabaseName
			if theIndex ≠ 1 then
				tell application "System Events" to tell process "DEVONthink 3" to perform action "AXRaise" of window theIndex
					set thisIndex to index of first viewer window whose index ≠ 1
					tell application "System Events" to tell process "DEVONthink 3" to perform action "AXRaise" of window thisIndex
				end try
			end if
		on error
				open window for record (root of database named theDatabaseName)
			on error
				error "Please open database \"" & theDatabaseName & "\" or change the database name in this script"
			end try
		end try
	on error error_message number error_number
		if the error_number is not -128 then display alert "DEVONthink" message error_message as warning
	end try
end tell
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@pete31, thanks for all the work! Works perfectly. Best solution until bug’s fixed :+1:

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FYI bug still there in latest release. Still using @pete31 script.

Does it work after removing & readding the favorite again?