LaunchBar & DTPO

8) :smiley:

That’s a great hint, by the way!

I am mostly using the combination by calling scripts via LaunchBar to modify files in DtPO (e.g. prepend a date) or move them within DtPO (see first link from post above) or to send things from DtPO to OmniFocus as a todo. While for the latter a script is already provided (>menubar > script menu > Reminders) Rob aka houthakker helped me to extend the script with a given context and project, so that I have to file a lot less later in OmniFocus, see [url=setting "project" + "task" with “Add as To Do to OmniFocus”?]

I saw some scripted solutions to use LaunchBar for file search in DEVONthink Pro, but don’t use them as I use DEVONsphere as a search front end for DEVONthink Pro, when I quickly need to find a recent file. The nice things with DEVONsphere is, that it has “search while typing” and the option to “sort by date” by default, which really helps in my case to find recent files fast - e.g. emails with customers.