Lawyer on DT, each client as a Database?

It may just be better to export and reimport if I need her to work on a file

Bear in mind, DEVONthink allows you to import a file multiple times without overwriting.

(she is on windows unfortunately).

An Mac Mini is a very affordable option and they’re fantastic machines!

That’s a cherry little machine for what she likely needs to do.
Just a thought :slight_smile:

Ha ha, yes. You make a good point!

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okay, thanks @rkaplan . Perhaps I should get all this back into the database. I’m going to try to dig into some of this batch renaming and smart tools for renaming emails and files by date for chronologies (which is what I had my assistant doing for the most part) and see if I can’t push and improve my use use of the software.
This has been a great thread to follow. Thanks all.


If you should be so inclined, post a follow-up letting us know where you landed and how it’s working… and how much your assistant loves her new M1 Mac Mini :heart: :wink:

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Another lawyer here and new to DT. Would be interested in this group and best practices for using DT in the legal world.

Welcome @gwhizkids

I’m not sure if anyone has taken the reins on this or not. But the activity should pop it up on peoples’ radar in here.

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