Limit in search results

When either searching in DTTG itself or via Shortcuts it seems that the search results are limited by 500. Is there a way to overcome this limitation?

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Development would have to respond to this.
What are you searcing for that yields that many results?

Yes, the results are limited to 500 to reduce memory consumption on iOS, especially in the extremely resource-limited Shortcuts extension. Did you try to use a more focused query?

One of my requirements is to get all the documents, which have been modified on a specific date. Due to the search constraints of DTTG at this point in time (see here Filter search query), my workaround is as follows:

  1. If the search date is within this year then get the documents of this year via Devonthinks iOS shortcuts command and refine the search within Scriptable (which works fine in conjunction with DTTG).
  2. If the search date is within last year then get the documents of this year via Devonthinks iOS shortcuts command and refine the search within Scriptable

But in case the search date is e.g. 2018-12-03 or the search results above exceed 500, then I am lost …

If one had the possibility to get the JSON with - in extreme cases - all database records, then I could create whatever query I like …

As said, especially Shortcut extensions are extremely memory constrained we are limiting the number of results. Retrieving documents with an absolute creation/modification/addition date is our our to-do list.

Got it. Then I am looking forward to a future release