Lost focus / selection after delete

I process my email inside DTPO. In Mail I delete and remove the obvious stuff that I do not want in DTPO, then I import everything into my “+Inbox” group. The next step is creating replicas of everything new in a group called “+Reference|Communication|Email”.

Then I start processing my Inbox. Often the copy in “Reference Material” is enough / the mail is not related to an ongoing project. In that case I delete it from the Inbox, knowing that an archived replica in the reference section will surface whenever I search for it.

Now to my feedback: When I hit the delete key or button in the toolbar the selection / focus is lost (in the Mail-like view available in DTPO). That is a minor annoyance. I would appreciate if instead the next or previous entry would be selected.

Makes sense?



I agree with you. I have a large group and it becomes tedious when I delete one of the files that begins with “V” and then have to scroll down to get back to my place.

Until this will be improved, you could type the first character(s), e.g. V, to scroll back to the previous position.