Make an Annotation with Links, Notes, Tags v2


I know this is a long thread, so forgive another post. @Frederiko and @korm have developed a wonderful script, and we’ve greatly benefited by it. So, thank you again, guys!

While I seriously dig @NZT-48’s suggestions, I realize it might entail a bit of work to make it happen. So…I’m just wondering if it might be possible to accommodate just two of the requests that were last mentioned, that is:

-Is there’s a way to make longer drop down scroll length for the Tag drop down bars - since it would be super helpful for those of us w/ many tags and folders!

-As @NZT-48 said, “instead of having the 'Annotation name; auto-fill with the file name, it would be great to have it auto-fill with the first few words of the citation”? Possible? (Please say yes!)

It would be amazing if there’s any way to accommodate those small changes. I’m happy to make inquiries at another forum as well, if that would make it any easier.

Thanks so much everyone!

No i am afraid not. Its an internal constraint of the gui interface.

Yes, v3 will have this as an option.

Afraid however I have not come up with a method to accommodate @NZT-48 suggestions.


I see. Makes sense. Do you have another suggested approach for grouping & viewing tags, given this limitation? Happy to even try to hack a solution… Thanks!

Hooray!!! This will seriously speed up my work process - significantly! Cannot wait for v3! Thank you so much (in advance), Frederiko! Looking forward to seeing what you’ve done next…whenever v3 is available! Thanks again!

i realize my last post on this thread was a bit long (was just trying to clearly detail what i was seeking), and the methodological request was probably too difficult - and too much to ask. apologies for that. i suppose i’ve just been trying to find an organizational approach that will enable me to maintain focused tags per each project, while at the same time not bloating my tag system so that it doesn’t become unmanageable and difficult to sort through. i thought i found a possible solution to that through the aforementioned approach, but it’s obviously not in the cards.

actually, i was wondering the same thing.

if there’s some way to achieve this - by making tag folders / subfolders easier to manage and navigate, especially in the dialog box’s drop down scrolls - that might solve a big portion of the tag organizational problem that i’m facing.

please let me know if you have any ideas or suggested approaches in this regard. thanks.

just out of curiosity, when do you think v3 will be available? i’m only asking because i’d love to annotate a batch of work, and would prefer to hold off on it if v3 will becoming out soon.

thanks again for your extraordinary efforts producing this - and answering our questions. really appreciate it.

How could I modify this script to increase the font size of the resulting rtf file?
I can hardly read the files as it is.
Thanks, this is a great script!

This script has been updated with a new version in this thread

[url]Annotation Pane (Annotation with Links, Notes, Tags v3)]

The new script has a template file stored in the database which is easily edited for format and font style.


@Frederiko: v2 I was good but v3 certainly takes it to a new level. Thank you so much.