make information bars dis/reappear


For reasons of simplicity and space consumption, I’d like to be make certain information bars and toolbars dis/reappear, namely:

  • the one that gives me the title of the open document and in brackets its type, size, date of modification etc.
  • the one with the backward / forward arrow, the revert sign, the lock …
  • the bottom one with the classify and see also button

… and one more thing: get rid of the empty scroll bar?

Can’t find out how, but I guess it’s possible somehow, isn’t it?

thanks a lot

You can of course make the Toolbar disappear, either by choosing View > Hide Toolbar, or by clicking the button at the upper right corner that does that in any open window.

When the Toolbar is hidden the remaining upper line including revert, lock, etc. really takes up little space but is rather essential for several actions including, obviously, Web page reloading and navigation. But if you are not using the “double arrowhead” symbol at the right of that line, you may be missing out on one of the very useful features of DEVONthink. Click on it and you will be presented a list of Topic terms. Select one, and you will see a list of other documents that contain that term. I would argue against removing that line.

What about the space taken at the window’s bottom? We will be looking at alternative UI approaches; perhaps the powerful tools in that bottom area could take less space, or be rearranged. But again, totally removing the options provided in this space would cause problems for navigating pages in PDF documents. And it would tend to make the user forget seminal powers available at the user’s fingertips in DEVONthink such as Classify, Words and See Also.

When one is writing, the bottom area displays “live” the number of words, paragraphs and characters in the document. The Words button lists all of the unique words in a document and their frequency of use. One can Lookup (Command-/) all other documents that contain any word from this list.

I’m all for simplicity and use of space, as I use Macs with 13- and 15-inch screens as well as one with a 24-inch screen.

But I want those tools for information exploration and analysis that make DEVONthink uniquely powerful right at my fingertips, all the time. The UI for access to those tools is pretty simple, but what one can do with them can be amazing.

Perhaps we simply haven’t talked enough about how to use some of those tools, and what one can achieve with them. :slight_smile:

You can of course make the Toolbar disappear, either by choosing View > Hide Toolbar, or by clicking the button at the upper right corner that does that in any open window.
Yes, that’s a common feature. My concerns were acutally rather the topics you address below.

When the Toolbar is hidden the remaining upper line including revert, lock, etc. really takes up little space but is rather essential for several actions including, obviously, Web page reloading and navigation. But if you are not using the “double arrowhead” symbol at the right of that line, you may be missing out on one of the very useful features of DEVONthink. Click on it and you will be presented a list of Topic terms. Select one, and you will see a list of other documents that contain that term. I would argue against removing that line.
Me too. But I would argue in favor of being able to make it disappear and reappear as needed. A little shortcut, say, ctrl-cmd-v (or t, but that’s taken for styles) for the top one, ctrl-cmd-b for the bottom one wouldn’t harm I guess; I’d still be able to get the information when I want to. I think I do see what these informations are good for; but I also know there’s times when I don’t need them and don’t want them in my view. But hey, maybe that’s just me, and no one else bothers. So, thanks for your replies and explanations.