Message of sorter and application RagTime

I have the sorter in finder.
I quit the app RagTime.
Following message come.
What’s that ?
Other apps don’t create the same message.
Is that a problem of Devonthink or of RagTime ?


It’s not a problem or error report of either application.

It’s an option to have the Sorter disappear when viewing a RagTime display in Full Screen or in its own Space.

Thanks for quick answer.
But why comes the message only when I quit RagTime ?
By start I see no message.
I have now start and quit RagTime some times and no message come.
I saw this message some days before when I used RagTime.
I don’t see this message NOT by other apps.


I have no idea why the message appeared only when you quit RagTime. But if you responded, that entered a preference setting. That would explain why the message is no longer being repeated.

You might see the message in other applications if they were opened in a Space, or in Full Screen mode.

I have press the button OK the message don’t come when I start RagTime.
But I use Safari and Mail in full screen but now message come?
Maybe the reason that I must upgrade from DTPO_2 from V7 to V8 ?



I’m not familiar with how RagTime works, but Full Screen mode is different from running a window maximized (Mail and Safari) to fill the entire screen. Open a document in DTP and select ‘View>Full Screen’ or type Command-F7 to see an example of Full Screen mode. It can be desirable to not show Sorter’s tab while in Full Screen mode in another application as the idea behind Full Screen is to reduce distractions. That’s why Sorter gives the option to ‘hide’ when an application enters Full Screen.

Is Ragtime a Java application? I couldn’t find any info on a quick cruise of their website. Christian noted a while ago that Java applications trigger this because of the way that AWT or Swing utilize the OSX windowing system. Without searching for his post, a Java application will ask for a full screen window in which to manage its multiple windows, or something…

HTH, Charles

Test of fullscreen in DTPO_2 and Aperture and sorter is gone.


I don’t know. I ask RT. But RT is a very old apps.
First app is from 1986 – first Name was MacFrame.


An involved person from RagTime wrote:

… Lange Zeit mit Metrowerks, inzwischen GCC
