Metadata Report Generator (Was: Future of Applescript?)

My last attempt (coz it’s an interesting problem for sheet). Each layer of customisation increases the complexity and require more time for a “quick and dirty” job. But if there is any bugs or issues in implementation, u may need help from others…

One option
If userInputOrder is false:
You don’t have to delete any column and can choose from the full sheet, but there is no customized order. So u need to re-arrange the order in the sheet before running the script.

If userInputOrder is true:
You don’t have to delete columns or arrange the column of the full sheet. But you need to write down the order of the columns (by numbers) before u run the script for customized sort.
The example shows that the report will be prepared in the order of column 1, column 3, column 2


-- Created by Ngan 2019.09.23

use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions

property userInputOrder : false

tell application id "DNtp"
		set theSheet to content record of think window 1
		set theCells to cells of theSheet
		set theHeading to columns of theSheet
		repeat with i from 1 to length of theHeading
			set theHeading's item i to my firstN((offset of "#" in theHeading's item i) - 1, theHeading's item i)
		end repeat
		if userInputOrder then
			set theChosenFields to display name editor "Exact #fields and separate with comma" default answer "1,2,3 (e.g.)"
			set theChosenFields to my strToList(theChosenFields, ",")
			set theChosenFields to choose from list theHeading default items "" with multiple selections allowed
			set theChosenFields to my indexOfAllItems(theChosenFields, theHeading)
		end if
		set theText to ""
		repeat with i from 1 to length of theCells
			repeat with each in theChosenFields
				set j to each as integer
				set theText to theText & (theHeading's item j & ": " & (item j of (item i of theCells)) & return)
			end repeat
			set theText to theText & return & return
		end repeat
		set theRepName to display name editor "Name of the report" default answer "Report for " & (name of theSheet)
		set theRepLocation to display group selector "Create the report in:" for current database
		set theNewDoc to create record with {name:theRepName as string, source:theText as string, type:rtf} in theRepLocation
	end try
end tell

on indexOfAllItems(theItemList, theList)
	set l to {}
	repeat with each in theItemList
		if my indexOfOneItem(each, theList) is not 0 then set the end of l to my indexOfOneItem(each, theList)
	end repeat
	return l
end indexOfAllItems

on indexOfOneItem(theItem, theList)
	-- credits Emmanuel Levy
	set {oTIDs, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, return}
	set theList to return & theList & return
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oTIDs
		-1 + (count (paragraphs of (text 1 thru (offset of (return & theItem & return) in theList) of theList)))
	on error
	end try
end indexOfOneItem

on firstN(n, s)
	return text from character 1 to character n of s
end firstN

on strToList(thestr, d)
	local theList
	set {tid, text item delimiters} to {text item delimiters, d}
	set theList to every text item of thestr
	set text item delimiters to tid
	return theList
end strToList

Now that is very, very, very interesting.

Not only is is much simpler to run the report repeatedly that way - but I suspect it would not take much of a tweak to hard-code the order of the fields in the script (or place the config in a separate file in DT3).

Then it would be very easy to automatically run the script daily to achieve the desired customized report.

I will play with it this evening… huge thank you.

Make sure that userInputOrder is true
Just edit the actual order of columns in this line for repeated reporting. If you need to print col 1,2,5,6,8,11 (in that order) each time.

 set theChosenFields to {1,2,5,6,8,11} 

Time for bed…

-- Created by Ngan 2019.09.23

use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions

property userInputOrder : true

tell application id "DNtp"
		set theSheet to content record of think window 1
		set theCells to cells of theSheet
		set theHeading to columns of theSheet
		repeat with i from 1 to length of theHeading
			set theHeading's item i to my firstN((offset of "#" in theHeading's item i) - 1, theHeading's item i)
		end repeat
		--if userInputOrder then
		--	set theChosenFields to display name editor "Exact #fields and separate with comma" default answer "1,2,3 (e.g.)"
		--	set theChosenFields to my strToList(theChosenFields, ",")
		--	set theChosenFields to choose from list theHeading default items "" with multiple selections allowed
		--	set theChosenFields to my indexOfAllItems(theChosenFields, theHeading)
		--end if
		-- **** 3 columns to prepare in that order *****
		set theChosenFields to {1,2,5,6,8,11} 
		set theText to ""
		repeat with i from 1 to length of theCells
			repeat with each in theChosenFields
				set j to each as integer
				set theText to theText & (theHeading's item j & ": " & (item j of (item i of theCells)) & return)
			end repeat
			set theText to theText & return & return
		end repeat
		set theRepName to display name editor "Name of the report" default answer "Report for " & (name of theSheet)
		set theRepLocation to display group selector "Create the report in:" for current database
		set theNewDoc to create record with {name:theRepName as string, source:theText as string, type:rtf} in theRepLocation
	end try
end tell

on indexOfAllItems(theItemList, theList)
	set l to {}
	repeat with each in theItemList
		if my indexOfOneItem(each, theList) is not 0 then set the end of l to my indexOfOneItem(each, theList)
	end repeat
	return l
end indexOfAllItems

on indexOfOneItem(theItem, theList)
	-- credits Emmanuel Levy
	set {oTIDs, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, return}
	set theList to return & theList & return
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oTIDs
		-1 + (count (paragraphs of (text 1 thru (offset of (return & theItem & return) in theList) of theList)))
	on error
	end try
end indexOfOneItem

on firstN(n, s)
	return text from character 1 to character n of s
end firstN

on strToList(thestr, d)
	local theList
	set {tid, text item delimiters} to {text item delimiters, d}
	set theList to every text item of thestr
	set text item delimiters to tid
	return theList
end strToList

@ngan - This works very nicely - thank you.

I am thinking that a nice next step with this would be to be able to present the edited repot not only vertically but also in the original format (with selected columns removed).

While removing columns is not scriptable, I believe creating a new Sheet is scriptable. So perhaps I can edit this to put the revised data in either/both format. I may give that a try.

The script is meant to be a kick-starter only and my skills is limited. The rest of the script is on you…:+1::+1::+1:. Make sure that you will share your finished script in this forum.


Not sure what the policy is, but could you rename or extend the title?

I think it has not much to do with the future of Applescript, but with report building.

Will do - thanks


An update… not a finished project yet but I am considering how to proceed.

A pure Applescript solution will no doubt be the most elegant way to proceed, but I realized there is another option at least for a quick or first-pass solution. Maybe this is/was obvious to others but I had not realized this was possible.

I was considering how to automate the “non-scriptable” parts of DT3. “Find Image” in Keyboard Maestro is always a last resort but not always predictable in its response. I stumbled across the concept however of “GUI Scripting” - particularly using Home - ID-Soft PFdle as shown in this video . This is a neat option which makes a lot of tasks scriptable which would be hard to achieve otherwise.

With that in mind it is possible to script removal of a column using these Remove and Edit Columns keyboard shortcuts and this KM Macro:

The concept can easily be extended to remove other rows or several rows at once.

I am pondering which automation technique to use for the completed project - this does work as a quick interim solution now. In fact it works well with various permutations as the bottom row on my Stream Deck profile for DT3:

I say in the next 5 to 10 years things are gonna change, new languages will emerge.