Mind Mapping?

I would see two levels of mind-mapping:

  1. MM purely at content level: DT allowing to edit mindmaps which then become first-class citizens of the software. I guess it wouldn’t have a lot of advantages over a full-fledged MM tool with QuickLook plugin, except for ease of use, wiki linking, … Here one could play with the idea of markdown-mindmapping: typing a mindmap as a markdown document, which then gets painted into a mindmap.

  2. MM as a mean to navigate and enrich the Database structure and navigation experience. One could imagine:

    • a MM-like navigational representation of the groups/tags hierarchy with documents as leafs, providing an overview of the hierarchy (actually a directed graph due to replication possibilities).
    • a MM-like document-centric representation with its parent groups and tags as well as outlinks and inlinks surrounding it, providing a contextual view of the document.
    • acting on those representations (deletion/renaming/moving) would be acting on the DB itself.