Missing documents in global Inbox - Error

In my global inbox I get an error message in the log window:

~/Library/Application Support/DEVONthink Pro 2/Inbox.dtBase2/Files.noindex/doc/0/SKRIPT Fortbildung Küste.doc
~/Library/Application Support/DEVONthink Pro 2/Inbox.dtBase2/Files.noindex/pdf/1/https—www.klicksafe.pdf
~/Library/Application Support/DEVONthink Pro 2/Inbox.dtBase2/Files.noindex/pdf/2/http—moodle.de-file.pdf

It says “Fehlgeschlagen” in the Info column.

It seems, DTPO tries to import those files but doesn’t find them. I have already deleted the global inbox to have it replaced with a fresh one but the problem persists.

These files were indeed failed imports that brought DTPO to crash - so it seems something was not properly finished.

What can I do about it?

The logged messages are kind of confusing (the next beta will improve this), please check the folder ~/Library/Application Support/DEVONthink Pro 2/Inbox. The folder contains probably those problematic files, just remove them.

That folder is empty.

Does DT still log these messages upon startup?

Yes, the message keeps coming back - complete with a lag when it seems to try to do something with these files.

Do you use the Sorter and does the Sorter’s inbox contain those documents?

I do use the sorter but it is empty.

Strange. The files should be either in the Sorter or in the inbox folder. Anyway, the next beta will fix the messages and then we’ll see where those files are really located.