I know it´s a quite late post, but still way before the 3 years deadline, so hopefully somebody can and will advise.
I recently start to backup the DT3 database to iDrive using Synology´s own app. The Backup runs and seems to finish just fine. However, ever since I started this a couple of weeks ago I notice a strong behaviors.
When starting DT3, my one and only database´s name is written in italics, and indeed I do have to confirm that it is not in use elsewhere.
I do run a copy of DTtogo on my iPhone, but other than that no other software should acces the database.
I should note that I do - of course - close/end DT3 normally each time I am done.
Any ideas on the root cause, if it´s dangerous and/or how to stop this?
Sorry, too imprecise.
I am using the iDrive app from the Synology app store (“Paket Zentrum”).
No, the database is not open.
Unfortunately, the behavior appears somewhat arbitrary, just today everything appears to be fine.
Also, I am not sure if a sync issue between iDrive and the NAS could case database issues on my laptop…?
If a database isn’t open, its name is shown in italic type in the Navigate sidebar. This should be the case in both the Favorites and Recent Databases, e.g.,…
File Types is open. Automation is not.
Note: Active Issues is in grey since the database isn’t in its expected location in the Finder. If I move the database back to its original location and reopen the Navigate sidebar, it would appear in black type. The database can actually still be opened with a double-click in this state, but will remain greyed. @cgrunenberg would have to comment on if it should change appearance (and perhaps update its file path, though I don’t know the technical details here).
ok, thanks, I was indeed worried about potential data loss.
But - until I first noticed this behaviour, the data bawe (it´s the only one I use) was automatically opened (and thus the warning never appeared). 1. So this somewhat suggested a risk when opening the database. 2. Is this a changed behavior that the recent database is not opened automatically?
Has anyone solved the iDrive issue yet? I am leaving Backblaze because they want $198 per year and signed up with iDrive, $10 first year and $99 thereafter. Unfortunately, it is choking on some of my files in DT3. Apparently the iDrive max file length is 245 characters and DT3 is using 256 characters of the opening text when the file hasn’t been named. I really can’t go through my thousands of files and change the names of those that have this problem. Is there any setting in DT3 that can change the file hames (make them shorter) or any other solution to this problem?
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide. – Bob
I guess a script might do what you want. Something along the lines of
(() => {
const app = Application("DEVONthink 3");
const myDatabases = ["Private", "Job", "Whatever"];
myDatabases.forEach(dbName => {
const db = app.databases[dbName]();
const tooLongNames = db.contents.filter(c => c.name().length > 240).forEach(c => c.name = c.name().substring(0,239));
; /* try records if contents doesn't give you what you want */
I didn’t test that. It is syntactically correct, but might contain semantic errors. I’m sure an equivalent AppleScript implementation is possible. It would have to
loop over all databases
find all records whose names are longer than 253 characters
set the names of those records afresh by using only the first 253 characters (or whatever length is suitable)
Another approach would be to use DT’s search method to find only real records (i.e. neither groups nor smart groups nor tags etc) and filter out those whose names are too long.
Hi Bluefrog. Yes, I prefer shorter file names myself, but these long ones are what DT gave them when I was capturing textual information apparently. I haven’t always checked or modified the file names for such captured items, figuring DT3 could find them for me as needed. iDrive tech is looking into this also. It will be interesting to see if they can come up with a solution. I want to manage this, hopefully within DT3 if the iDrive people take a pass, but I’m about 100 or so labs behind grading my class and another class is just started up.
I’m not having any luck finding a way to get DT3 to list just the files with > 230 characters in the name. Where would I implement that last script you wrote? I really am out of touch on scripting things.
And it might possible to find records work ea long name, perhaps using 230 ? characters. Not practical.
I was just wanting to find those >230 characters so I could rename them (make them much shorter) and make them work in iDrive. That would fix my problem with the backup. Anything less than 245 characters works for their system.
Thank you Bluefrog. I’ve been using DT since about 2007 or so as I recall and I never thought to look in the scripts. I’m sort of worn out honestly; too many students this semester. About 40 students doing 21 labs and 4 exams in 12 weeks. Lots of grading. And the other school where I teach just started a new quarter. At 74 I should probably slow down, but I’m afraid to do so, LOL Anyway, I appreciate all the help you folks have given me with this.