Multiple document view!

So the votes are piling up :wink:

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This would be a nice feature. For now I will try the AppleScript and see how that works.
Here is my use case.

I currently keep Markdown formatted journal entries (in DEVONthink) each day for work tasks that may otherwise get lost. Once per week I review each of the tasks since the last review. Other review intervals may include monthly or yearly.

Currently I have a single file with entries for all dates.

Better would be individual files so I can use Markdown metadata in the header. Then I could join the individual files back together for weekly, monthly, and yearly reviews. Because they are separate files, I can easily use metadata to identify the dates, keyword, tags, etc for searches and additional categorization.

I do something like this also for topical meetings.

Or you could just use Scrivener, which is where the demonstration screenshot came from. In my experience, Scrivener and DT complement each other very well.


I use Scrivener for long form writing and I actually used to use it for this also. . .

Thank you for the suggestion. I think I will move back to Scrivener for these use cases until DEVONthink has this feature. :smiley: