Multiple search terms

Apologies for newbie question but I cannot find a specific answer in the forums.

When I try and narrow the search of my database it does not seem to work. E.g. I search ‘Jones’ and that is fine, but then I do ‘Jones + Will bright’ it does not narrow the search. It finds all of the references to ‘Will’ independently. Is it possible to narrow the search?


Is that name ‘Will Bright Jones’? If so, it might appear in various articles or bibliographies as ‘Jones, Will Bright’ or ‘Will Bright Jones’.

If you enter the query as
Jones AND “Will Bright” – the quotation marks identify this as a specified text string

the search would find documents that contained the name in either form.

But suppose there are pages out there on the Web that contain both ‘Sam Jones’ and ‘Will Bright Stevens’ (but don’t refer to your person of interest). Those pages would show up also in the results.

A further filter could be the NEAR operator, as follows:
Jone NEAR/2 “Will Bright”

Thanks again Bill,

The main point of my search is find two people in the same article: Ian Jones and Will Bright. And then possibly to add others. I am wondering what the best way to narrow that search is. I am using DevonThink Pro Office to search my database. At the moment I am getting every mention of ‘will’ etc. Once the search results have come up, how do I a quick ‘next’ click through each highlighted word?

Many thanks,


In the menubar, use Go > Next Highlight (note that there’s a keyboard shortcut).

Thanks Bill,

Regarding the main query: The main point of my search is find two people in the same article: Ian Jones and Will Bright. And then possibly to add others. I am wondering what the best way to narrow that search is.

(I am using DevonThink Pro Office to search my database. At the moment I am getting every mention of ‘will’ etc.)


Enclose exact strings in quotation marks, e.g.,
“Ian Jones” AND “Will Bright”

Note that the search will ignore case.

Am feeling like an idiot. Can’t figure out the keyboard shortcut for next highlight. I’m using a MacBook Pro laptop. What key is the first one, shaped like this ^ ? thanks much.

From the Apple support page.