Multiple selection in combined view

In the combined view, I see on the left my folders, and on the right (upper window) the content of the selected folder. What about the possibility to select more than one folder on the left, and having the contents of the selection displayed in the right upper window?



We’ve already got 6 views of the database plus individual documetn windows. I’ve promised Eric I would stop noting to Christian new view suggestions. :smiley:

Remember, you can open more than one view window, so you could flip between those windows to see and work with your two group content lists.

That was only a suggestion. Multiple windows are not a solution for me. I work with TeXshop and DT ; since DTPro does not interact with TeXshop, I have on my desktop DT windows and Texshop windows opened, and that’s not really convenient. But I don’t want to bother you. Sorry. I’ll try to find another solution.


Hi Alb.

Did you ever find a solution for this?

By combined view did you mean Three Panes or Vertical Split view?

Were (are?) you wanting to merge the content of multiple selected groups into a single “virtual supergroup” view, similar to what Apple Mail does when multiple mailboxes are selected (if you’re familiar with that)? I can definitely see uses for that.

Yes, that’s exactly what I meant, but I have no idea how to do it. That would be useful for me too. We could then merge folders, or sheets, virtually, and exactly as we need, and keep the location of our items unchanged (‘:D’). This is important, since DTPro’s “see also” and “classify” features rely on the classification of the items in the database.



You can easily create “super groups” that aggregate the contents of several groups, or disaggregate existing groups (as in the case of selected search results for a group) by replicating them to a new group or subgroup. The advantage of this approach is that you are working with replicates, so that items retain their original classification as well as your new working group classification. And you can keep or delete the group containing replicants as you wish, after working with them.

I recently used these techniques to help organize over 10,000 search results dumped into a new DT Pro database from DEVONagent. I created groups from the results of searches (choosing only the most relevant results for each search) to create some organizational order to the database. Then I used Auto Classify to get some help from DT Pro in classifying the rest of the material into my organizational scheme. I also used searches to help filter out stuff I didn’t think useful (I tossed out about 5,000 items that way). Finally, I created a new database by exporting the organized groups and importing them into a new database. The resulting database served its purpose well.

Thanks, Bill, for your suggestion. Peharps one solution would be to make an applescript that will replicate every selected item to a new group. I think this is not too difficult with OMCEdit. The advantage of OMCedit is that the contextual menu pops up in any application, so, i’ll be able to use it with DTPro. I’ll try it.


Another solution would be to use Automator to create a workflow for this and drop it into the applications’ Script Menu folder. You could even assign a keyboard shortcut to it. This would be our “officially endorsed” solution.



I’m not a fan of Automator (mainly because it launches very sloooowlyyyy, at least on my computer), but OK, I’ll try the official solution too.


My experience with managing replicated items, especially large numbers of them, has been awkward and unwieldy. The inability to easily search for multiple instances of them adds to the inconvenience. And deleting a replicated group is confusingly counterintuitive when it throws up a dialog asking whether to delete external files or just the database references.