My experience with Devonthink versus Obsidian

Thank you, peedwards. I’ve been using a single document per source, essentially creating a long scroll but with dividers between notes. But now I’m thinking it would be cleaner if I were to go with a separate file for each note. I guess if I’m willing to draw a horizontal dividing line, I should be able to divide my thoughts into discrete notes. And a decent template would certainly facilitate this.

For the most part, I agree with what was said on this forum by SebMacV, who’s clearly thought about these things much longer than I have: “there is way too much fetishising of this vague idea of atomicity – I mean, good luck deciding on what is just ‘one’, ‘indivisible’ ‘idea’.” But I also have begun to feel a bit out of control with my 100m-long scroll of a file of notes on a single book – virtually speaking, of course.

I often remember what a veteran linguistics prof once told us in class: “The world is divided into two kinds of people: splitters and clumpers.” Though I may be a third type: flip-floppers.

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