My files are disappearing

I am sending web archives to DTG from Safari using the share tray. I discovered that DTG is creating a temporary file and then it vanishes. I get the message “Item added and converted”. When I do a search for the file, it isn’t found. I don’t know how long this has been happening. Please tell me I haven’t lost my files.

Works for me. So some more details might be useful: Which URL, what versions of OS and DT? Where are you searching? How are you searching? If you sort the documents by type, do you see webarchives or not?

Have you checked in DEVONthink To Go’s Global Inbox?
On DEVONthink To Go’s databases screen, select ? > Contact Us to start a support ticket. Thanks!

And please update to version 3.8.8. We have fixed a bug last week that could cause exactly that behavior!

I put in ticket #39812 for this. I submitted screenshots but when I got the email showing I opened the ticket, I didn’t include a topic. :anguished:
I have now solved the problem. I tried to duplicate it on my iPhone and the iPhone worked correctly. I restarted the app on the iPad and the web archives showed up but the Local Network (Bonjour) showed off-line and the iPad wasn’t synching. I restarted my iPad and everything is working now. Thank you guys for your quick responses!!!

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Ah, I am relived it is working now for you!

Had just the exact same problem on my iPhone running DttG 3.8.8. Restarting the iPhone fixed it too. Weird.