Name of imported PDFs other name as original PDFs


I have 39 PDFs saved from www.
All PDFs come from the same site in www.
It is a compendium for workflow of color management.
The site is named in source text.

Farbmanagement für Hobbyfotografen

I save the files with different names on my desktop,
File a = AAA
File b = BBB
File c = CCC

I use Import all files with OCR in DT.
I see the list in DT with files with different names like AAA, BBB, CCC.
By saving window all files have the same name "Farbmanagement für Hobbyfotografen"and not AAA, BBB, CCC.

Why ?

Can someone give me a reason.
Have I made a mistake or is this normal behavior of DT ?


Jochen, I don’t know if you made a mistake, but that’s not normal behavior.

Are you using File > Import > Files and Folders… or are you using some other item on the Import menu? (I don’t have the German localization, so I’m using the English wording.)

What happens if you drag the files from a Finder window into a DEVONthink group?

I use Import > picture file with text scan >> in German localization (Bilddatei mit Texterkennung)


I made three .jpgs (screen captures with text) named AAA.jpg, BBB.jpg and CCC.jpg, respectively. Used File > Import > Images (with OCR). DEVONthink created three PDFs (but not “PDF+Text”) named AAA.pdf, BBB.pdf, and CCC.pdf, respectively. So the naming worked as expected, but the OCR doesn’t – there is recognizable text in each file. Acrobat OCRs the files correctly; AABBYY doesn’t.

What happens if you drag the files into DEVONthink (don’t use File > Import) and then use Convert > To Searchable Text?

I think I use the same workflow some minutes before.
I have 3 PDF+Text in DT.
The name are AAA, BBB, CCC

I carry out this.
First I see 3 JPGs named AAA, BBB, CCC.
Then I carry out Convert To searchable PDFs !!!
After that I have additionally:
AAA.jpg as PDF+Text
BBB.jpg as PDF+Text
CCC.jpg as PDF+Text

In the column with name there is a little symbol like a book ? on right site of name by
BBB.jpg and CCC.jpg but not by AAA ?


So, both methods (import and drag-to-DEVONthink) are working now?

If the end result is three “PDF+Text” files named AAA, BBB and CCC respectively, then I think you’ve been successful. I wouldn’t be concerned about the thumbnail – it doesn’t affect the content of the document.

My English isn’t good enough to understand your answer.
The saved PDFs before import were.

01_FARBMANAGEMENT-GRUNDLAGEN_Farbmanagement für Hobbyfotografen.
02_FARBMANAGEMENT-GRUNDLAGEN_Der Sinn des Farbmanagements.
03_FARBMANAGEMENT-GRUNDLAGEN_Überblick über das ICC-Farbmanagement.

and so on.

I see this name in import dialog of DT.

In save dialog of every file the name is always.

“Farbmanagement für Hobbyfotografen”

Why not:

01_FARBMANAGEMENT-GRUNDLAGEN_Farbmanagement für Hobbyfotografen.
02_FARBMANAGEMENT-GRUNDLAGEN_Der Sinn des Farbmanagements.
03_FARBMANAGEMENT-GRUNDLAGEN_Überblick über das ICC-Farbmanagement.

That’s the problem.


What does actually that book icon mean?

A screenshot of the icon would be great.