Need help turning working script into smart rule capable version

It’s one of these weird side-effects when using scripting additions and/or frameworks. This revision works (and uses filename instead of proposed filename which might be not be identical to the current filename)

on urlEncode(input)
	run script "encodeURIComponent(" & (the quoted form of input) & ");" in "JavaScript"
end urlEncode

on performSmartRule(theRecords)
	tell application id "DNtp"
		repeat with thisRecord in theRecords
			set recordFilename to filename of thisRecord
			set URLEncodedFilename to my urlEncode(recordFilename)
			set URLEncodedVaultName to my urlEncode("B10")
			set newobsidianURL to "obsidian://open?vault=" & URLEncodedVaultName & "&file=" & URLEncodedFilename
			add custom meta data newobsidianURL for "obsidianurl" to thisRecord
		end repeat
	end tell
end performSmartRule
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