Newbie here - possible to specify download rules for DTTG?

I’m a new user - working with just one database for now. If I understand correctly, if I download an entire database to my iphone, all items are fully downloaded and take up space on my phone. If I select On Demand, only items I select are downloaded. he

Is it possible to automatically download items based on file type, tag, or label? I would like to download my notes (rich text, markdown, or text) but not other file types (pdfs, videos, etc.).


Welcome @kevin1

Is it possible to automatically download items based on file type, tag, or label? I would like to download my notes (rich text, markdown, or text) but not other file types (pdfs, videos, etc.).

No, this is not possible. If you have them in a specific group, you could set the Download Files option for the group to Always. Otherwise, you would have to download items manually as you need them.

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OK thanks! Do you work at Devon?

One more question - can I specify that all new items go into the global inbox instead of database inboxes? Or can I delete database inboxes completely?

  • Yes, I work fit DEVONtech.
  • Are you referring to DEVONthink or DEVONthink To Go?
  • No you can’t remove the inboxes.