newbie sync issue . .. confused!

I am new DevonThink user and I am having trouble getting sync to work between my iPad and MacBook

All my software is current: (Mac OS 10.15; DevonThink 3.0.1, On my iPad: IpadIOS). For the iPad, I have purchased the “Pro” packaged.

I am using iCloud Sync.

A few days ago, I was able to set up sync between my iPad and MacBook—changes made on one where visible on the other.

However, that is no longer the case.

On DevonThink 3.0.1, I have gone to file–>synchronize

On my iPad, I have gone to Settings --> sync -->locations–>ICloud --> ICloud and it shows that a recent sync has occurred.

However, changes made in DevonThink on my iPad are not visible in DevonThink on my MacBook and vice versa.

What can I do?


Welcome @CWM
I am responding in your Support Ticket.

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