No thumbnail for PDF, even after clicking *Thumbnail > Create*


I noticed that DT didn’t create a thumbnail for a particular PDF, even after I explicitly clicked Data > Thumbnail > Create. I haven’t had this issue with any other PDFs in DT. The PDF in question is a manual that can be downloaded here:

The PDF can be opened by supported apps without any issues and Finder even created a thumbnail for it, so I assume it’s a minor bug in DT?

Just downloaded it and a thumnbail was successfully created. Which versions of DEVONthink & macOS do you use?

Hello Christian, I’m using DEVONthink version 3.8 and macOS Monterey version 12.0 Beta (21A5543b).

Might be an issue of the beta. Does this still happen after updating to beta 10?

Oh, I didn’t realize beta 10 was out until you pointed out. I’ll update right away and see if that solves it.

Hello Christian, I just updated to macOS beta 10 version 12.0 Beta (21A5552a) and the issue persists, even after downloading a new copy and adding it to DT. Should I wait til Monterey public release and see if the issue is fixed?

Anyway, it’s a minor issue that only affects a single PDF so I have no problem ignoring it for now.

Yes, please let us know whether the public release will fix this. Thanks!

Definitely will do. Thank you for your help!

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Just added a workaround to the next release.

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That was fast! Does this mean I don’t need to keep an eye on the issue after Monterey public release and report back?

That’s not necessary anymore.

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Got it, thanks again for the help!