Note formatting and export

Right. It is specific to paper. WYSIWYG makes no sense at all with regard to screen devices (unless you limit the meaning of it to bold and italic characters, which is most certainly not what it originally meant).

A screen nowadays can have any size from an iPhone 4 to a 27“ display. What you see on the latter is not what you get on the former (fortunately). Not in line width, image size, often not even in the things that are displayed (think navigation). HTML is interactive, pdf is not (mostly) nor is RTF. HTML has no page with a defined size (which all the WYSIWYG programs require) and so on.

So no, HTML has nothing to do with Wysiwyg although you can set bold and italic attributes.

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I hardly ever print to paper these days; I don’t even own a printer
However I do use wysiwyg editors, and what I “see and get” is rendered on a device screen

I use DT’s wysiwyg editors; preference is the formatted note editor
When I need extended format features, I use an external editor

Thats great news. I was hoping to hear that there would be some sort of common WYSIWYG writing environment shared by DTTG and DT 3. From rmschne´s comments, that environment will never be more full featured than what we have in DT 3 today. Sigh.

I do not think I said that. I did say, and it’s speculation on my part as I know nothing about DEVON Technologies plans or finances, that you wanted “same features across a range of OS´s and environments” and it’s my opinion that will never happen. I said then, and say now, that I could be wrong!

I also said, and I think you should look into this, to use the the tools you now have which have the full-features you expect and want with DEVONthink. Like OpenOffice–use it with DEVONthink–now. No need to wait. Or whatever.

I use Apple Pages/Numbers; they work well as DT documents

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I know. I use a number of specialised apps integrated with DEVONthink, including Pages, Word, Microsoft Access, and other things that DEVONtechnologies will (my hunch and may be wrong!) never provide inside DEVONthink.

At the moment we are working on the text editor for DEVONthink To Go.
This may or may not be integrated in DEVONthink in the future, but that is not a concrete decision at this time.

et al:

DEVONthink will never be “all things to all people”. This is not only known, but also part of the plan. Some things just wouldn’t make sense in an information/document management application. Others wouldn’t benefit a broad enough segment of our user base. Still others are better done by bespoke applications who’s sole focus is feature X or Y.

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