Note taking questions

I’ve been using onenote and before that - evernote to take meeting notes. But I’ve recently moved to DTPO. So far so good.

A couple of questions though:

  1. Note titles:
    Is there a way for DTPO to use the first line of my note as the file title. Currently it’s a two step process - create new note, title file, then type note.

Compare to evernote where you - create new note and type note, and the title is automatically grabbed from the first line of the note. It’s a small thing but just wondering.

2.if you double click on a note and open it to it’s own window, you can’t change the name easily.

  1. When creating a formatted note, is there a way to get a formatting tool bar to show up?

Any suggestions as to “note taking best practices” would be appreciated!


  1. If you create the Formatted Note in the Sorter, DEVONthink does this - using part of the first line if none is specified.
  2. In DEVONthink, you can use Tools > Show Info to get metadata about the file.
    There is no formatting bar for formatted notes in DEVONthink 2. However, there is a new editing bar in DEVONthink 3.