OmniOutliner 3

The Help file mentions that OO3 files will be supported soon, any timeframe that this will actually happen? Just thought I’d ask since OO3 has been out a while.

As this has no priority right now, you should expect this rather later than sooner.

That’s a bit dismissive isn’t it? It does have priority for some of us users. And if it has “no priority” for the developers, why was it even mentioned in the Help file?

Still… “rather later than sooner”. Is that really really later? Like, later than DT 2.0?


That is unfortunate to hear. It has been a priority for me also, both OmniOutliner & Mellel integration.

OmniOutliner support is a little bit OutFocus at Omni as well :wink:
I waited for some major improvements (filters, multiple windows to name only two) for years.

Before using DTPO I used FileMaker, OmniOutliner and Mellel. DTPO was ment to replace FileMaker. A week later it replaced OmniOutliner as well. OPML Ex/Import worked well to migrate the whole thing.

I think a few improvements for outline handling in DTPO might be more valuable than OmniOutliner 3 support.

With improving outline features I refer to real outline things not the checkbox that in Devon age is called outline :wink:


I agree. I was hoping for this too. :frowning:

– MJ

Actually the online help isn’t quite correct, only exporting of OmniOutliner 2 files is possible but importing of such files is handled like importing an XML file.

Therefore we’re probably talking about different features: Exporting OmniOutliner 3 files has definitely no priority but there will be improved importing/indexing/viewing support for more third-party formats in the future. This will be a general approach and therefore will hopefully include OmniOutliner.

But I wouldn’t interpret a statement like “that is not (yet) supported” as “soon” :wink: