I had all of my research in one DB for the first few years (until fairly recently) – since I was still in the process of capturing everything, and verifying that my Reference Manager’s library was also up to date, and accurate.
I never really used the “See Also” functionality, since it hardly ever helped… Reason simply being that looking for XYZ would (quite correctly) pull up ‘hits’ from all 4 of my research groups, since the term would appear in all 4… But I would only be interested in what was said about XYZ in A SPECIFIC group – and since “See Also” would look at the entire DB, it was something I simply ignored, in favour of my tagging regime and smart searches.
Then I moved those 4 research groups into 4 different DBs. And all I can say is “wow”. The “See-Also” works a treat – it is uncanny how accurate it is.
Of course – at some point, I might play around and drop different “themes” from different jurisdictions into a new DB, just to see what the AI throws up, in terms of different countries applying similar rules/legislation etc. – point is, in DTPO, its incredibly easy to move things around, without fear – that these things become possible…
That being said, there is no “right” answer, unfortunately. In my case – had I started off with independent groups, and THEN moved them all into 1 DB, I would probably be here singing the praises of how the AI helped me find connections across jurisdictions that I would never have spotted in a year of Sundays… Whereas now, I’m doing the exact opposite…
I guess in the end I’m reminded of the 1st time I came to the realisation that, contrary to my initial belief (and that of many others who ‘kicked the tyres’, before moving on) – DTPO’s “steep learning curve” isn’t because of something inherent within the software… It’s inherent inside of you, the user!
DTPO’s learning curve comes from you having to figure out what you can do with it, free from the preconceived ideas of how you have always been forced to think about your data… Once you cross that friction point, everything changes…
I’m rambling now… But maybe I still kind of make sense!?? Who knows…