One-One Training & Data Loss Help

Hi, I am looking for personalized training services. I recently encountered a data loss issue, and I need help with recovery and understanding the root cause of the problem.

While I have reviewed the available documentation and contacted customer support, I find it challenging to comprehend the instructions. Unfortunately, there are no support videos available at the moment.

I also need to assist in transferring my databases to CloudKit or locally.

I am willing to pay either a fixed price or an hourly rate for your services.

Please feel free to contact me via email at or send me a private message if you are interested.

You can’t put your databases in any cloud-synced location or you could irreparably damage them.

PS: Is this related to the support ticket you have open? If so, let’s discuss it there.

My DEVONthink database was created as a sync location within Dropbox.

Jim - Following up on our previous email, you suggested I check the source of the deletion. If they were in the Apps/DEVONthink Packet Sync directory in Dropbox, there was no need to recover the data.

How do I check the source of deletion? Are you referring to Dropbox or something else?

Apps/DEVONthink Packet Sync directory in Dropbox - I believe so; this would mean any lost data would still live within the directory. How can I check the directory for these files?

The database should be on your local drive and NOT in a Dropbox Folder or any other cloud synced folder. If that is where your database resides, you will probably corrupt the database and lose data. I think you just proved that.

Database location and sync location are two seperate things.

Do you NEED to sync? If so, why and with what other machine(s)?

Why do you wish to consider Apple’s CloudKit for anything? Saving database and/or synching? As you can read in this forum, it’s unreliable for synching. Why? Dunno. Ask Apple. And should not be used as a location to store the database.

Please re-read carefully “Take Control of DEVONthink”, a free e-book available from DEVONtechnologies. And please re-look at and read carefully portions of the “DEVONthink Handbook”. It is quite good, outstanding actually. You should at least be aware of its contents so you can look their first for solutions to “how to”. For example, in that document it will tell you not to put databases in “cloud” sync locations. And it fully explains how to sync, setup backups, and so much more.

Please continue this discussion in your support ticket so we can keep the conversation’s chronology and details in one place. Thanks!

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