Page order of scan

I recently installed Devonthink on a 2nd laptop and am now scanning in documents that are ending up in reversed page order.

Previously I would scan a 10 page documents first page up, inter the entire document in my Scansnap, and it would end up in correct order.

Does anyone know where that setting is? I did a search on these forums as well as looked through all my Scansnap and Devonthink settings with no luck.

Which scanner & software do you use? Do you use the same versions of macOS and DEVONthink on both machines?

Fujitsu IX500 with Scansnap.

It had been about 1 year since I scanned from my old system so the version most likely has changed since then. I did read somewhere that there was a setting in the Scansnap software that doesn’t appear anymore in the version I have to reverse the order of the scan.

It’s not the end of the world for me to scan in pages facing down, though wonder if there is a solution to allow me to continue scanning the same way I have.