PDF Annotation Text Input in DT

  1. Is it possible to enable the Text input for lines and shapes in Annotations?

1a) For instance, when drawing a line, the Annotation properties allow changes to color and thickness, but not text.

1b) There is a separate Note annotation, but it seems more efficient to just append the text directly to the shape (as can be done in Adobe Reader).

Line annotations don’t support displaying text. You can add text to the Details section of the Document > Annotations inspector when the annotation is selected.

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@BLUEFROG thanks for that clarification. Indeed, the Details box visible in the side bar appends text to the shape. These are also where the comments made to the shape in Adobe are visible.

It would be great to edit/view from the properties pop-up, as this is opened by default when creating the shape. Just saves a step from having to move into the sidebar to insert the text.

It’s amazing how even a small extra step like this becomes time consuming when performing a repetitive task like line annotations.

You’re welcome.
Development will have to assess this but the request is noted.

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