Plain Text, Rich Text, Formatted Note, or Markdown?

I use the DTTG app with an iPad
My preference is a wysiwyg editor; formatted note format
Inline images are supported

handwritten notes

I use the Notability app on an iPad with an Apple Pencil (stylus)
When completed, I export in pdf format for storage in Devonthink
The contents are ocr’d (searchable)

auto date and time stamp when I enter these entries

I use an IOS shortcut that prefixes the title with the date/time

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Could you share on how do you create the iOS Shortcut, I don’t think there is a ready made one.

Over three years later and still no bullets in Formatted Notes. Any hope for this?

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fwiw When I need functions not available in the DT editor,
I switch to an external text editor and insert the HTML code
This works for bullets