Please allow searching by group more easily

I know I have brought this up before but I am used to having many folders in a data base, each representing a different but related work topic. In the current version if I want to search by group, I only need to select that group and do a search. Now because of the changed sidebar behavior, if I have one of my groups “active”. I cannot longer select that group and search unless I go back to the Global sidebar (I am not even sure if these are the correct terms ). Is there someway to allow a search by group from the selected group screen rather than having to open and close the global sidebar…it is very, very cumbersome .

Currently this is only possible via the sidebar, beta 3 didn’t revise this (yet).

The problem is that the Sidebar is different….the Global Sidebar only displays groups not items so I need to open the second sidebar, whatever that is called now, to see the contents of the group. I can’t keep all three open because it easts up to much screen space and I can’t search by groups from the second sidebar. Hence I have to open the Global sidebar each time I want to search by group.

Or am I missing something?

You can search within a group from the list view (the “sidebar” that shows groups and their contents):

  • Double-click on a group to isolated it.
  • Then when you perform a find, it will have include the group as a possible scope.
  • When done, click on the database name to return to the previous view (highlighted below).


Thanks…that works. I’ll just need to get used to it.