Please let custom date metadata be empty

In List view that’s not the case but in the Info > Custom inspector it is.

Ah, I see: many thanks for the clarification.


This is on my Catalina machine but I’m also seeing it in Big Sur and Monterey.

It’s just the time zone shift. The internal default value is 1.1.2001 00:00:00 GMT.

Yes - (now it’s explained) I confirm that’s what I see here in the UK.


Just wanted to +1 this. In my opinion, a custom date that has never been edited should be empty at first. Consider: Paymen date, Date of payment received, …

Throwing in my 2 cents for either a definable default date or an empty value in Custom Metadata date field.
I I were to be really picky the default date would be conditional i.e. Today, Yesterday, First/Last of this/last month/year., but I would settle for being able to make it always be one date that I could choose.
I personally don’t need the empty condition (yet!) but I understand the use case where that might be desirable.